Beechwood Location


123 Beechwood Avenue

613 742-6363

Meet The Beechwood Team

Anna Bélanger

Anna Bélanger

Anna Bélanger is a Registered Massage Therapist who graduated from the 3000 hour program in BC specializing in Women's Heatlh.

As part of her pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, Anna is an avid amateur athlete, who pushes herself to excel. She feels that an active lifestyle helps her to support her clients and colleagues.  She runs marathons and triathlons and is looking forward to completing her first full Ironman in 2021.  She has also competed, and won at the 2016 Karate/Kickboxing World Championships in Ireland. She encourages her therapists to pursue their own athletic challenges, so that they also understand the needs of their clients.

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Melinda Franco

Melinda Franco graduated from Algonquin College in 2010 and is registered with the CMTO. Melinda has experience in treating all ranges of clients in different stages of healing. She has taken courses specializing in movement, mobility, postural alignment, and indie head massage.

Her treatment focuses on deep tissue massage, sports therapy, myofascial release, pre and post natal massage, pelvic pain, and treating every day aches and pains from headaches to overall muscular tension. She is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care, along with a warm, friendly service in a relaxing environment. In her spare time Melinda is an avid marathoner, cyclist and traveler.

Jennifer Kellar

Jennifer’s love of movement and health began in 2007 when she became a Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA) and a Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM). She has nine years of experience in a multidisciplinary sports therapy clinic as a trainer and consultant. Jennifer was the medical trainer for a Junior A hockey team when she decided to add a manual therapy approach to her skills and returned to school to become an RMT. She instantly fell in love with massage and the changes both physically and mentally it can have on the body and mind. She was at Skyward Active Health Center since it opened in 2015.

She enjoys working with injury and chronic pain rehabilitation as both an RMT and personal trainer. Jennifer has experience with a variety of clients and has taken additional training in Sports Massage, Pregnancy Massage and Reconciling Biomechanics with Pain Science. Jennifer applies the two complimentary modalities of massage and training to help people move and feel better so that they can lead the most active, healthy and pain free lifestyles possible. Jennifer loves yoga, strength training and competing in triathlons.

Alexander Belanger

Graduating with Honours in 2019 from the international academy of massage Alexander is registered with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) and a member in good standing of the Registered Massage Therapists’ Association of Ontario (RMTAO).  Alexander has spent the better part of the last decade as a coach and personal trainer working with clients helping them achieve their fitness goals. Early on he transitioned towards working specifically with those interested in injury prevention or those rehabilitating from injury. In order to further his knowledge of the body and how to more effectively treat clients hands on, Alexander enrolled in a Massage therapy program. His understanding of corrective exercise as part of the rehab process along with therapeutic massage treatment is second to none.

If you’ve recently taken up a new fitness routine or are looking for treatment for an acute or long standing injury Alexander is a wealth of knowledge that will make you feel like new!

Kelly Thorne

Kelly began practicing as a Registered Massage Therapist in 2011, after graduating with honours from the Sutherland-Chan School & Teaching Clinic in Toronto. Since then, she has worked in a wide variety of settings, including a massage therapy clinic and women's wellness spa in Toronto, as well as a sports chiropractic clinic in her hometown of Orillia. Before pursuing a career in massage, Kelly attended Queen's University; completing a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Biology and Health Studies. Kelly strongly believes in the healing power of touch for both the body and mind, and understands that these two things are never mutually exclusive.

Kelly prides herself on her ability to individualize her treatments, using a blend of deep and relaxing techniques, in order to give a therapeutic treatment that is both effective and enjoyable. Being an avid runner and cyclist herself, Kelly enjoys treating sports-related conditions and assisting clients in achieving their athletic goals. She also loves pre- and post-natal massage, and working with those suffering from chronic pain conditions. Since moving to the Ottawa area, Kelly has begun  pursuing nordic skiing and trail running as her new passions, and is currently training for her first Ultra race this year.

Jessica Dionne

Jessica Dionne is an honours graduate from the massage therapy program at Georgian College in Barrie, ON. Prior to becoming a registered massage therapist, she earned a Kinesiology degree from Lakehead University where she developed her passion for working with the human body.

Be it deep tissue massage, injury rehabilitation, pre/postnatal, chronic pain management or deep tissue massage, Jessica enjoys working with a variety of clients.

Zahra Madahany

Zahra has a B.Sc (Hons) in Sports and Exercise Science from Manchester Metropolitan University (UK). She graduated top of her class from the International Academy of Massage (Ottawa), and is a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) in good standing with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO).

Zahra has worked internationally as a massage therapist, as a rehabilitation assistant in a nursing home, and in a multi-disciplinary osteopathy and sports therapy clinic. She has assessed and treated a wide range of muscle aches, pain and injuries in the sporting world and in everyday life.

Zahra uses a variety of techniques, and tailors her approach to the individual and condition. She regularly checks in, and adjusts her modality and pressure as needed. Her priority is to address each condition, and do what it takes to effect improvement.

Zahra is always improving her knowledge and skills with reading, coursework, and skills-exchanges with colleagues. She has a lifelong interest in health, and believes in the mind-body connection, as well as the body‘s ability to heal itself. She truly enjoys helping people achieve their wellness goals.

Outside of work, Zahra enjoys tennis, pickleball, swimming, going to the gym, and heading out on nature hikes. Having an active lifestyle reminds her of the importance of self-care and physical activity on quality of life.